Asteroids 3D [Edit Game]Asteroids is a 3D game by Michael Davies, based on the old arcade classic in which you must destroy asteroids by breaking them up into smaller pieces. It was developed in Visual C 6.0 with DirectX 8.1 over a period of approximately two months. It will run under any Windows system with DirectX 8.1 and a 3D accelerator card.
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Whilst the concept seems amazing, sadly in practice you just find yourself flying around a huge space, desperately trying to find the few remaining tiny asteroids that happen to have flown in opposite directions, only to then spend 5 minutes attempting to angle the ship in such a way as to actually shoot the stupid little things. On the plus side, I wouldn't worry about losing, as the chances of one of the asteroids actually hitting you are virtually zero, unless you actually fly into one (in which case you are an idiot), and if it does happen there probably wasn't much you could have done about it, as you probably didn't even see it coming. Enjoy.
Review by MeatyFin at 2013-08-10 17:09:52
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indeed i agree
Review by shaggy145 at 2014-11-26 17:06:34